I help people
when others can’t

I see you. You’re not alone and you’re certainly not crazy. Your symptoms are not in your head. I've experienced the frustration of feeling like your body is working against you and the despair of thinking you'll never find relief. But I've also found a way out, and I know that healing is possible. I'm here to show you that it's possible for you too.

  • "What a remarkable therapist you are. I feel so so lucky to have had the benefit of your clear non judgemental and rigorous voice. As a therapist in need of help it made such a difference to have you in my corner. I want to thank you and celebrate your formidable skills. Whoever has the benefit of your wisdom and kindness is very lucky indeed."


My story starts with my

own health struggles…

It all started when I was a teenager. I was struggling with acne and irregular periods which (suprise suprise) led to me ending up on the contraceptive pill. All seemed OK for a while, until at 18, I got my first urinary tract infection (UTI). It all spiralled from there. I was in and out of doctors' offices, given round after round of antibiotics that only seemed to make things worse. My gut was in shambles, and I was dealing with ongoing thrush and bacterial vaginosis. And then my skin got worse. Rosacea, fungal folliculitis, psoriasis... it felt like I was fighting a losing battle.

I tried everything

I went to doctor after doctor, researched my symptoms and tried diets, supplements, cleanses, medications and more. Some things helped a little, but nothing ever seemed to fully address the root cause of my issues. I was exhausted, physically and emotionally. I felt like I was at the end of my rope.

But then, I found hope

I turned to the world of functional and holistic medicine and I invested in working with a functional medicine practitioner. This changed everything. Lab tests revealed I had parasites, gut issues, adrenal stress, and thyroid dysfunction (and I had no idea!). With a personalised plan and a clear roadmap, I started to heal. I overhauled my diet and lifestyle, learned how to support my body's natural healing processes, and finally started to feel like myself again.

Here’s the silver lining

My own journey through chronic symptoms and healing has been a profound teacher. I've come to see the body as a magnificent puzzle, with each symptom a clue waiting to be deciphered. Now, armed with this knowledge and personal experience, I'm a tenacious detective on a mission to help others solve their health mysteries. My journey was a bloody rollercoaster, but it's led me to a place where I can make a real difference in the lives of others. And for that, I'm truly grateful.

My qualifications

Bachelor of Applied Science &
Masters of Dietetic practice

Accredited Practising Dietitian

Functional Medicine Practitioner

Certified Fertility Dietitian

We’re the perfect match if…

You're looking to address the root cause of your symptoms, rather than just treating the symptoms themselves

You're open to exploring a holistic approach to wellness that honours the mind-body connection and recognizes the importance of addressing all aspects of your health

You're seeking someone who will take the time to listen to your story, understand your unique health challenges, and work with you to create a customised plan for healing

You're looking for a laid-back, approachable wellness bestie who will make your health journey feel easy and enjoyable

You want an expert who can take the guesswork out of your health journey so you can stop stressing and start making progress towards your wellness goals with confidence

1:1 deep dive

Together we'll dive deep into your health, find the root cause of your symptoms and craft a customised plan to get you feeling GREAT

Nutrition masterclass

Learn how to harness the power of nutrition to fuel your body, balance your hormones, and revitalise your life.