Your Body Reset

Transform your energy, weight, mind & mood in just 8 weeks



Say helloooo

to a life without your health holding you back

Are you a stressed out woman who is struggling with symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, brain fog, hair loss, anxiety & insomnia?

Are you ready to get your hormones—and your life—back on track?


Wake up every day bouncing with energy and no longer have the dreaded afternoon energy slump

Lose weight effortlessly and maintain your goal weight with ease (yes even that stubborn belly fat or puffy face)

Live your life with that main character energy without annoying symptoms holding you back (say farewell to acne, bloating, anxiety…)

Let’s paint the picture a little more here…

You wake up FULL of energy and excited for the day ahead. Your ‘random’ food intolerances disappear and you can go out to eat without the fear of bloating. Your mind is calm and clear, and you feel fully present and engaged in your life. Your periods are easy and pain free and PMS is a thing of the past. You’ve discovered a profound love for yourself, and you genuinely look forward to taking care of your body and mind every single day.

When did stressed become the new normal?

Through my own healing journey and my experience working with women, I've recognised a consistent pattern: many women are struggling with chronic stress, hormonal imbalances, and persistent health issues that significantly impact their lives. Whether it’s debilitating fatigue and digestive problems or PMS and difficulty losing weight, we’re all struggling.

Why? Because the modern woman is expected to be a superhuman who can flawlessly manage her career, family, home, and appearance. The pressure to be the perfect mother, the perfect professional, the perfect partner, and the perfect homemaker creates a great deal of chronic, low-grade stress that many women have come to accept as a normal part of life, often without even realising the toll it takes on their mental and physical health.

This chronic stress is the underlying reason why many women feel overwhelmed, exhausted and unwell.

Here’s the thing:

Your symptoms are REAL, but they are not NORMAL.

Symptoms are our body's way of communicating with us, telling us that something isn't quite right. The problem is, doctors are trained to listen for the big, loud sirens of disease, not the quiet murmurs of dysfunction. That's why so many people's problems get missed. It's not that doctors don't care or aren't trying their best. It's just that they're looking for something specific - a name, a diagnosis, a disease - and if your symptoms don't fit into that neat little box, they often get dismissed.

But what if I told you there's a different way?

By tuning into these signals and understanding what they mean, we can find the root cause of your symptoms and eliminate them for GOOD.

Within you lies the profound ability to heal

yourself and completely transform your life

I’m Claire Giles, certified Functional Medicine Dietitian and lover of all things wellness. I suffered for years with:

  • Chronic hormonal acne and rosacea

  • Awful period cramps

  • Terrible afternoon energy crashes that had me napping to get through the day

  • Hypothyroidism

  • Completely zero sex drive

  • Clumps of hair coming out every time I washed it

  • Feeling completely emotionally disconnected from the world around me


Try doctor after doctor only to hear “there’s nothing more we can do for you” or being made to feel like your symptoms are all in your head

Spend HOURS on Google trying to understand what is causing your symptoms and how to fix them

Feel SO deflated after wasting so much money, time and energy on all the diets and supplements and cleanses that never work

Feel lost and confused and overwhelmed and frustrated and WISHING for something that would ACTUALLY work

I'm here to show you that

it's possible for you too

But I've also found a way out and

I know that healing is possible…

  • I’ve lost 10.3kg in 3 months, my muscle definition has increased, my stomach is flatter and I no longer feel bloated, I’m sleeping through the night and I have so much more energy for the people I love and in my work


  • Claire is fantastic, she has gotten to the root cause of some issues that have troubled me for years, including solving my runny tummy. I am feeling a lot better and I’m so grateful. She is very good, I will definitely refer her around to my friends and colleagues.


  • Claire is a powerhouse of specialist knowledge and she leaves no stone unturned in making sure you are supported and encouraged in every way imaginable


  • I’m so grateful to Claire for the changes I’ve been able to make and how healthy I now feel. I’ve had the most profound results from and diet/wellness training program I’ve ever been through


Tell me if this sounds

just like you

You’re ready to feel confident in your body & wear clothes you love

You’re ready to build healthy, sustainable habits that feel simple and fun

You’re ready to have a simple step-by-step process that actually works


An 8-week program to release excess cortisol and rebalance your hormones naturally

Back when I was in your shoes and trying to fix my laundry list of annoying symptoms, I found myself piecing together fragments of information from various sources. Gut healing guidance from one practitioner, nervous system healing from another, exercise advice from a personal trainer, and the list went on.

Not only was this approach expensive, but it also consumed a significant amount of time and energy. All I wanted was a comprehensive resource that consolidated ALL the essential information I needed to heal in one place.

So I created it.

In just 8 weeks you will experience:


You no longer feel the need to constantly monitor your food intake or obsess over the number on the scale. Instead, you lose weight effortlessly and keep it off easily, and you feel comfortable and confident in your body.


You sleep like a baby and wake up every morning feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day. You no longer rely on caffeine or sugar for a quick energy boost. Instead, your energy levels are consistent throughout the day, allowing you to be more productive and focused.


You're no longer a slave to your cravings but rather, your meals are satisfying and nourishing, leaving you feeling full and content. You're free to enjoy food without guilt or shame, knowing that you're nourishing your body in the best possible way.


No more dreading the arrival of your period or suffering through debilitating cramps. Instead, you're period doesn’t interfere with your life at all, you wouldn’t even know it’s there!


You look in the mirror and see skin that glows with health, hair that shines with vitality, and nails that are strong and beautiful. You radiate a natural beauty that comes from within.


You no longer dread eating certain foods or worry about how your body will react. Your digestion is smoother and more regular, and you no longer experience the discomfort of bloating, gas, or indigestion. As a result, you feel lighter and more energetic after meals.

I’m going to give you the tools and knowledge you need

to reconnect with your body, transform your health and

live your life with ENERGY


  • What you think about your body MATTERS. This module helps you explore and change old habits and patterns to improve your health and how you feel about yourself.


    → Understanding WHY you got sick

    → Rewire your subconscious belief system

    → Connect with your intuition & your innate ability to heal

    → Unravelling perfectionism & setting boundaries

    → Recognising personal triggers and patterns

  • Understand the impact that stress has on your health (particularly adrenal and thyroid function) and learn how to effectively audit your "stress bucket" to pinpoint potential triggers and areas for improvement. You’ll learn practical tools and strategies to develop healthy coping mechanisms and mitigate the effects of chronic stress. Discover simple ways to support your nervous system every day to help you feel calm, balanced & resilient.


    → Understanding stress, cortisol & your adrenals

    → Audit your stress bucket

    → Develop healthy coping mechanisms for managing stress

    → Simple self-care practices for your nervous system

  • This module is all about helping you to find the right diet for YOU. You’ll learn how to change your nutrition to support your metabolism and hormones. By the end of this module, you'll have a deep understanding of nutrition and feel CONFIDENT knowing how to nourish your body to feel your best every day.


    → Reducing inflammation using diet

    → Overcoming food intolerances

    → How to balance your blood sugar

    → How to build a balanced meal

    → Caffeine + alcohol

  • This is a PROFOUND exploration of the interconnectedness of stress, restriction, thyroid health, metabolism and adrenal function. You’ll learn how to optimise your thyroid and adrenal function for improved energy, effortless weight loss and overall vitality.

    → Why diets don’t work (and what does)

    → The role of stress & safety in weight

    → Reverse dieting to boost your metabolism

    → How to exercise for balanced cortisol

    → Healing your relationship with food

    → Optimise your thyroid

    → Replace minerals depleted by stress

    → Thyroid & cortisol testing

  • We’ll unpack the science of sleep, revealing the secrets to achieving the best sleep of your life. From understanding the intricacies of sleep cycles to implementing proven strategies for optimising sleep quality, this module is your roadmap to restorative rest and rejuvenation. Say goodbye to restless nights and hello to waking up refreshed, revitalised, and ready to conquer the day!


    → Why you need to take sleep seriously

    → Decoding common sleep problems

    → Strategies for improving sleep quality and duration

    → Light exposure and circadian rhythm

    → Creating a morning and evening routine for stable cortisol

    → Natural remedies and supplements to support sleep

    → Mindfulness, relaxation techniques & holistic hacks for better sleep

  • You will learn how to open and support your body's detoxification pathways, as well as how to reduce your exposure to toxins in your environment. Consider this your ultimate renewal.


    → Open your detoxification & drainage pathways

    → Detoxify your environment

    → Practical & realistic strategies for detoxification

  • You'll learn how to mend your gut lining and support your gut long term to reduce inflammation and improve your digestion.


    → How your gut health is linked to your symptoms

    → Optimise your digestion to reduce bloating

    → Nutrition for gut health

    → Gut testing

  • We’ll cover everything that you should have been taught about your cycle but never were. We'll explore the four phases of your cycle, unpacking how they impact your energy, mood, and productivity. I'll reveal the secrets of aligning your nutrition, exercise, and self-care practices with your cycle for a boost in vitality like you've never experienced before. We'll also tackle the topic of birth control, examining the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) as a natural alternative. But that's not all—this module is a treasure trove of solutions for period problems, hormone imbalances, and hormonal conditions like PCOS and Endometriosis. Get ready to unlock the full potential of your cycle!


    → Understanding your cycle

    → Sync your diet, exercise & lifestyle with your cycle

    → Everything you need to know about birth control

    → Period problems & hormonal imbalances

    → Hormone testing

What you get access to:

8 weeks of recorded educational modules

PDF worksheets & guides to download (e.g. audit your stress bucket, meal ideas, supporting detoxification + SO much more)

Step-by-step diet & supplement protocol + how to tailor it to suit your individual health picture

Private community of other woman on the same journey
so that we can all support each other

Submit questions for Q&A sessions answered by me in the community group

Option to run functional lab testing to gather more data related to your specific symptoms. I offer lab testing in 120+ countries.

Lifetime access including all future program updates (educational modules, recipes & meal plans, exercise/training plans + SO MUCH MORE PLANNED)



You’re READY to feel happy and confident in your body again

You’re MOTIVATED to take control of your health

You’re DETERMINED to uncover the root cause of your symptoms and address them once and for all

You’re EXCITED to embrace serenity and joy in your life


Will this course fix ‘XYZ’?

This course is a transformative journey designed for any woman grappling with symptoms of chronic stress and hormone imbalance. This includes but IS NOT limited to…

  • Chronic vaginal infections (thrush, BV)

  • Low libido

  • Anxiety or depression

  • Brain fog

  • Sleep issues

  • Chronic fatigue and burnout

  • Joint pain and inflammation

  • Wanting to come off birth control

  • Struggling with post birth control syndrome

  • Menopause symptoms (or wanting to optimise health to avoid them)

  • General aches and pains

  • Chronic stress

  • Poor body image and low self-esteem

  • Hypothyroidism & Hashimoto’s

  • Hormone imbalances

  • Painful, heavy and irregular periods

  • Missing periods

  • Endometriosis

  • PCOS

  • Cysts or fibroids

  • Weight gain or weight loss resistance

  • Constipation, diarrhoea, bloating and other gut issues

  • Acid reflux

  • Infertility

  • Acne

  • Skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, hives and rosacea

  • Autoimmune conditions

If you’re not sure if this course is a good fit for you, ask me directly →

Claire Giles


I am a Functional Medicine Dietitian and my superpower is making your healing journey simple, effective and fun.

It was my own health issues that led me to complete a qualification in Functional Medicine and find my purpose in helping women like YOU who are struggling with chronic, unexplained symptoms and feeling frustrated, lost and alone.

I was able to completely resolve all of the symptoms that I had struggled with for years, and now I want to help you do the same.

You deserve to thrive, and I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

My method gets results,

plain and simple

You're here because you're

meant to be here

If you've found your way to this program, know that it's not by chance. There's a reason you're here. You're ready to embark on a journey of healing, transformation, and self-discovery, and this program is the next step in your evolution. Trust that inner "yes" resonating within you—it's your intuition guiding you toward the healing and transformation you seek.

This is where the link will jump to

Investment breakdown

Your Body Reset is a comprehensive program that I wish I had access to before investing tens of thousands of dollars in my own health journey. Drawing from my extensive research, study and clinical experience, I have distilled the most powerful information into this program, making it accessible to all women at a fraction of the cost of navigating health challenges alone.

This program is valued at roughly $3,000

10+ hours of curated material & educational modules | $2,000

Downloadable PDFs & guides | $300

Community support including Q&A sessions with me | $500

A proven process that will get you results | Priceless

You’ll pay a fraction of this price

Please note: prices are in USD







I get it, investing in your health can feel like a major financial commitment. But let me tell you, as someone who went down the 'do it yourself' path, it cost me a lot more in time, money, and frustration than it would have if I'd had the right support from the start.

I promise you, this investment will pay off tenfold.

Questions? I’ve got all the answers

  • This course is designed for women grappling with stress-related symptoms such as fatigue, burnout, weight fluctuations, mental fog, and mood swings.

    It is for women that are looking for a HOLISTIC approach that supports their physical, mental and emotional health.

    It is for women who are ready to transform the way they feel.

  • While I can't guarantee specific results, I can assure you that this course is designed to be transformative. If you commit to implementing the strategies and practices I teach, you will notice a difference in how you feel.

    My clients often report results like:

    → Increased energy

    → Losing stubborn belly & face fat

    → Reduced bloating & better digestion

    → Improved mental health & mood

    → Clearer skin

    → Reduced anxiety

    → Better periods

    → MUCH better sleep

  • This course is designed to take 8 weeks, however the course is self-paced so you can take as much time as you want/need!

  • Yes, you will have lifetime access to the course materials, including any updates or additions that will be made in the future. I plan to keep working on this course to add more and more value, which you will get for free!

  • Once you have access to the course materials, they cannot be returned, and I cannot issue refunds. If you have any questions to confirm any of the details before you purchase, I would be more than happy to talk you through what the program will look like, and help you make sure this offer is exactly what you're looking for.

    You can email me directly at

  • Yes, you can join the course from any country. Please note that all the materials are in English.

  • Unlike many other programs that may focus on ONE aspect of wellness, I address your well-being comprehensively, considering all facets of your health—physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual.

    But what truly makes this course unique is that is it broken down into straightforward, easy-to-follow strategies that you can implement into your daily life with ease. My goal is to empower you to take real, tangible steps towards better health, without feeling bogged down by complicated protocols or overwhelming information. So, when you enroll in this course, you're not just gaining knowledge—you're gaining the tools and support you need to actually put that knowledge into action.

  • Although this course is tailored for women, the principles and practices can be beneficial for men as well. Some of the modules may not be relevant to you, but you are still most welcome to join!

You deserve to feel unwaveringly confident,

boundlessly energised and vibrantly alive

Your path to radiant health is entirely laid out for you. Take the first step by following that inner YES and sign up below.

The future you will thank you for it.