Your personalised

path to wellness

Uncover the root cause of your symptoms
& get back to feeling GOOD

Let me guess…

You've been struggling with particular symptoms or a diagnosis for a while now. You've visited doctor after doctor, undergone countless tests, and still, no answers. You're feeling like you're stuck in a never-ending cycle. You're beginning to think that your symptoms are a life sentence and maybe you just have to learn to live with it. But deep down, there's still a glimmer of hope. You can't shake the feeling that there's something deeper going on, something that hasn't been uncovered yet.

Here’s the thing:

Symptoms are often our body's way of communicating with us, telling us that something isn't quite right. The problem is, doctors are trained to listen for the big, loud sirens of disease, not the quiet murmurs of dysfunction. That's why so many people's problems get missed. It's not that doctors don't care or aren't trying their best. It's just that they're looking for something specific - a name, a diagnosis, a disease - and if your symptoms don't fit into that neat little box, they often get dismissed. But what if I told you there's a different way? Functional medicine is all about looking at the body as a whole, understanding the interconnectedness of its systems, and listening to what your body is trying to tell you. It's about treating YOU, not just your symptoms.

And that's why it works.

We’re going to take a different approach to your health

Step 1: Comprehensive lifestyle questionnaire

This questionnaire is designed to provide us with a deeper understanding of your health background, daily habits, any symptoms you may be experiencing, and the objectives you hope to achieve.

Step 2: Review your current health

Your personal story is SO valuable in providing us with insight into your health journey. We will carefully examine your questionnaire answers and current health status as well as address any questions or concerns you may have.

Step 3: Personalised protocol

Based on the information gathered from your questionnaire and our call, I'll create a personalised lifestyle and supplement protocol for you. This will include dietary recommendations, lifestyle changes, and supplement suggestions tailored specifically to your needs and goals.

Step 4: Functional lab testing

I will recommend specific lab tests to gather further data and gain a deeper understanding of your health. These tests may include blood work, hormone panels, gut health tests, or others, depending on your unique situation. These are OPTIONAL based on your budget. All lab testing will be sent to your home and the results returned via mail.

Step 5: Review your lab test results

Once your lab test results are in, we'll schedule another 1:1 call to review and discuss the findings. I'll explain what the results mean, how they relate to your symptoms and health goals, and any recommended next steps or adjustments to your protocol. You will get a recording of this session to refer back to.

Step 6: Ongoing support

We'll continue to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your protocol to ensure you're on the right track to achieving your health goals. Throughout our time working together, I'll be available to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Claire Giles


I am a Functional Medicine Dietitian and my superpower is pinpointing the root causes of your health concerns and making your healing journey simple, effective and fun.

For fifteen years I struggled with my own chronic symptoms including skin conditions, menstrual problems and an autoimmune condition that did not respond to conventional medical interventions. It was my own health issues that led me to work with a Functional Medicine Clinician and I was able to completely resolve all of the symptoms that I had struggled with for years.

It was this experience that led me to complete a qualification in Functional Medicine and find my purpose in helping women like YOU who are struggling with chronic, unexplained symptoms and feeling frustrated, lost and alone. Let me help you reclaim your health, vitality, and joy. You deserve to thrive, and I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

My work gets results,

plain and simple

Can you help me with ‘XYZ’?

The answer is almost always yes. My holistic approach to health means I look at the bigger picture. By understanding how the body's systems are connected and listening to your unique story, I can uncover the root causes of your symptoms and create a personalized plan for your journey back to health. No symptom is too big or too small – if it's affecting you, it's important, and I'm committed to finding solutions that work for you.

I can help you to resolve…

  • Chronic UTIs & interstitial cystitis

  • Low libido

  • Anxiety or depression

  • Brain fog

  • Sleep issues

  • Chronic fatigue and burnout

  • Joint pain and inflammation

  • Parasite infections

  • Wanting to come off birth control

  • Struggling with post birth control syndrome

  • Menopause symptoms (or wanting to optimise health to avoid them)

  • Allergies 

  • General aches and pains

  • Mould toxicity

  • Lyme disease

  • Chronic stress

  • Poor body image and low self-esteem

  • Hypothyroidism & Hashimoto’s

  • Hormone imbalances

  • Painful, heavy and irregular periods

  • Missing periods

  • Endometriosis

  • PCOS

  • Cysts or fibroids

  • Weight gain or weight loss resistance

  • Constipation, diarrhoea, bloating and other gut issues

  • Acid reflux

  • Infertility

  • Acne

  • Skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, hives and rosacea

  • Any autoimmune condition

  • Chronic vaginal infections (thrush, BV)

If you’d like ask me any questions about your specific symptoms/condition and if I will be able to help you, you can contact me here→

  • I’ve lost 10.3kg in 3 months, my muscle definition has increased, my stomach is flatter and I no longer feel bloated, I’m sleeping through the night and I have so much more energy for the people I love and in my work


  • Claire is fantastic, she has gotten to the root cause of some issues that have troubled me for years, including solving my runny tummy. I am feeling a lot better and I’m so grateful. She is very good, I will definitely refer her around to my friends and colleagues.


  • Claire is a powerhouse of specialist knowledge and she leaves no stone unturned in making sure you are supported and encouraged in every way imaginable


  • I’m so grateful to Claire for the changes I’ve been able to make and how healthy I now feel. I’ve had the most profound results from and diet/wellness training program I’ve ever been through


Choose what works best for you



For those who want to run functional lab testing and have expert guidance on where to start


1 x Initial consultation call (60 minutes)
1 x video recording of lab interpretation


Personalised lab testing is suggested based on your intake form. You can choose which labs you want to run.


Personalised supplement and lifestyle protocol based on your intake form + lab results


No access to course content

1 payment of $250 (USD)

3-month package


For those who are ready to focus on their health and want a step-by-step process that actually works


1 x Initial consultation call (60 minutes)
1 x Lab review call (60 minutes)
1 x Progress review call (60 minutes)


Personalised lab testing is suggested based on your intake form. You can choose which labs you want to run, if any.


Personalised supplement/lifestyle protocol based on your intake form + lab results & amendments based on your progress


FREE access to my Eat to Thrive nutrition masterclass valued at $89

1 payment of $450 (USD)

6-month package


For those who are ready to completely transform their health + fix long term symptoms


1 x Initial consultation call (60 minutes)
1 x Lab review call (60 minutes)
4 x Progress review calls (60 minutes)


Personalised lab testing is suggested based on your intake form. You can choose which labs you want to run, if any.


Personalised supplement/lifestyle protocol based on your intake form + lab results & amendments based on your progress


FREE access to my Eat to Thrive nutrition masterclass valued at $89

1 payment of $650 (USD)

Please note that this payment does not include the cost of any functional lab testing or supplements.

I will always tailor recommendations based on your budget.

Questions? I’ve got all the answers

  • Yes, I work with international clients! You can access my masterclass & course from anywhere in the world. For my VIP course clients, I offer virtual consultations via video conferencing. I also partner with multiple labs around the world to provide functional lab testing in most countries.

  • As an Australian-based health practitioner, I am registered with private health insurance providers, which means Australian citizens may be eligible to claim a rebate for my services. Please check with your private health insurance provider to see if they cover consultations with a registered dietitian. If you have any questions about health insurance coverage, I'm happy to help clarify.

    I am only registered with insurance providers in Australia, so this does not apply to international clients.

  • I offer a variety of functional lab tests, including comprehensive blood panels, hair mineral analysis, hormone testing, gut health testing, food sensitivity testing, mould + fungal markers and more. I will recommend the most appropriate testing for you based on your individual symptoms.

  • Working with me is different because I take a personalized, whole-body approach to your health. I don't just treat symptoms; I work to identify and address the underlying imbalances and dysfunctions that are causing your symptoms in the first place. I use a combination of advanced lab testing, personalized dietary and lifestyle recommendations, targeted supplementation, and other holistic modalities to create a customized plan that addresses your specific needs. I also provide ongoing support and guidance throughout your health journey, so you always have someone in your corner.

  • Absolutely! While my focus is often on women's health, I work with plenty of men as well. Health is universal, and my approach to functional medicine is tailored to address the individual needs of each client, regardless of gender. Whether you're a man or a woman, if you're struggling with chronic symptoms and seeking a holistic approach to wellness, I'm here to support you on your journey to better health.

  • Functional medicine is a personalised, patient-centered approach to healthcare that focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of disease and dysfunction. I believe that the body is an interconnected system, and that symptoms are often the result of underlying imbalances or dysfunctions. My goal is to restore balance and optimize function in the body, allowing my patients to achieve lasting health and wellness.

    As a functional medicine practitioner, I use a variety of tools and techniques to help my patients achieve optimal health. This may include advanced lab testing to identify imbalances or deficiencies, personalized dietary and lifestyle recommendations, targeted supplementation, and other holistic modalities. I take the time to understand each patient's individual health history, genetics, environment, and lifestyle, and use this information to create a personalized plan that addresses their specific needs.

    I believe that each person is unique, and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to health. I work closely with my patients to create a plan that is tailored to their individual needs, allowing them to achieve lasting health and wellness. Overall, functional medicine offers a comprehensive and holistic approach to health and wellness, focusing on the root causes of illness and empowering patients to take control of their health and well-being.

Ready to dive in?

No matter what you're struggling with, know that there is hope and there are solutions. I'm here to support you on your journey back to health.